Charas is valid Scrabble Word

Is charas a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is charas valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CHARAS in dictionary:

Words related to CHARAS

charases13 hashish16

Words that contain CHARAS

charases13 saccharase17 saccharases18

Similar words containing CHARA without suffix s

chara10 charact14 charade13 characid16 characin15 characts15 charades14 charanga14 charango14 charases13 bacharach21 charabanc18 characids17 characins16 character16 charangas15 charangos15 pracharak20 bacharachs22 charabancs19 characters17 charactery20 moucharaby22 pracharaks21 saccharase17 saccharate17 characinoid19 charactered19 saccharases18 saccharated19 saccharates18 characterful22 characteries19 charactering20 characterise19 characterism21 characterize28 moucharabies21 noncharacter19 characterised21 characteriser20 characterises20 characterisms22 characterized30 characterizer29 characterizes29 characterless20 noncharacters20 characterisers21 characterising22 characteristic23 characterizers30 characterizing31 characterology25 multicharacter23 characterisable24 characteristics24 characterizable33 mischaracterise24 mischaracterize33 multicharacters24 mischaracteriza33 characterizatio31 mischaracterizi33 characteristica24 characterologic25 uncharacteristi22 characterization32 mischaracterized35 mischaracterizes34 uncharacteristic25 mischaracterizing36 characterizations33 characterological27 characteristically30 characterologically32 mischaracterization37 uncharacteristically32 mischaracterizations38
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