Ceps is valid Scrabble Word

Is ceps a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ceps valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CEPS in dictionary:

Words related to CEPS


Words that contain CEPS

auceps10 biceps12 forceps14 scepsis11 triceps11 aucepses12 bicepses14 forcepses16 scepsises13 tricepses13 quadriceps24 forcepslike22 quadricepses26

Similar words containing CEP without suffix s

cep7 cepe8 bicep11 cepes9 accept12 auceps10 biceps12 cepage11 except17 incept10 recept10 tricep10 accepts13 cepages12 cepheid15 concept13 discept12 excepts18 forceps14 icepack17 incepts11 percept13 precept13 recepts11 scepsis11 scepter11 sceptic13 sceptre11 sceptry14 triceps11 accepted15 acceptee14 accepter14 acceptor14 aucepses12 bicepses14 cephalad16 cephalic17 cephalin15 cepheids16 concepti14 concepts14 discepts13 excepted20 exceptor19 icepacks18 incepted13 inceptor12 percepts14 precepit14 precepts14 racepath15 reaccept14 receptor12 saucepan12 saucepot12 scepters12 sceptics14 sceptral12 sceptred13 sceptres12 facepalm17 acceptant15 acceptees15 accepters15 accepting16 acceptive18 acceptors15 acephalic18 cepaceous15 cephalate16 cephalics18 cephalins16 cephalous16 conceptus15 deception14 deceptive17 deceptory17 discepted15 doucepere14 encephala16 exceptant20 excepting21 exception20 exceptive23 exceptors20 faceplate16 faceprint16 forcepses16 incepting14 inception13 inceptive16 inceptors13 intercept13 precepits15 preceptor15 quadricep23 racepaths16 reaccepts15 reception13 receptive16 receptors13 saucepans13 saucepots13 scepsises13 sceptered14 sceptical15 sceptring14 spaceport15 susceptor13 tricepses13 facepalms18 faceplant16 acceptable18 acceptably21 acceptance18 acceptancy21 acceptants16 acceptedly20 acephalous17 amboceptor18 baroceptor16 cephalagra18 cephalexin24 cephalitis17 cephalopod20 conception16 conceptive19 conceptual16 deceptible17 deceptions15 deceptious15 discepting16 douceperes15 encephalic19 encephalin17 encephalon17 exceptants21 exceptions21 exceptious21 exceptless21 faceplates17 faceprints17 inceptions14 inceptives17 intercepts14 nociceptor16 oxycephaly30 perception16 perceptive19 perceptual16 preceptial16 preceptive19 preceptors16 preceptory19 quadriceps24 reaccepted17 receptacle16 receptible16 receptions14 sceptering15 scepticism18 spaceplane16 spaceports16 subception16 susceptive17 susceptors14 unaccepted17 unsceptred15 voiceprint17 facepalmed20 faceplants17 acceptances19 acceptation17 acceptingly21 acceptivity23 amboceptors19 anencephaly21 autocephaly21 baroceptors17 bicephalous20 cephalagras19 cephalalgia19 cephalalgic21 cephalexins25 cephalocele20 cephalopods21 cephalothin21 cephalotomy23 chemoceptor22 conceptacle19 conceptions17 conceptious17 conceptuses17 deceptional16 deceptively22 dicephalism21 dicephalous19 diencephala19 disceptator16 encephaline18 encephalins18 encephaloid19 encephaloma20 encephalons18 encephalous18 epencephala20 exceptional22 forcepslike22 inceptively21 intercepted16 intercepter15 interceptor15 irreceptive18 megacephaly24 mesocephaly23 microcephal22 nociceptive20 nociceptors17 oxycephalic30 perceptible19 perceptibly22 perceptions17 preceptoral17 preceptress17 procephalic22 reaccepting18 receptacles17 receptacula17 receptively21 receptivity21 scepterless15 sceptically20 scepticisms19 sceptreless15 spaceplanes17 subceptions17 susceptance17 susceptible17 susceptibly20 unreceptive18 voiceprints18 zoocephalic29 facepalming21 faceplanted19 acceptancies20 acceptations18 anencephalia19 anencephalic21 apperception20 apperceptive23 autocephalic21 baroreceptor18 brachycephal29 cephalalgias20 cephalalgics22 cephalically24 cephalitises19 cephaloceles21 cephalometer21 cephalometry24 cephalopodan22 cephalopodic24 cephalothins22 chemoceptors23 conceptacles20 conceptional18 conceptually21 dicephalisms22 diencephalic22 diencephalon20 disceptation17 disceptators17 encephalines19 encephalitic21 encephalitis19 encephalomas21 epencephalic23 epencephalon21 exceptionals23 exteroceptor23 hydrocephaly29 imperception20 imperceptive23 insusceptive19 intercepters16 intercepting17 interception16 interceptive19 interceptors16 interoceptor16 intussuscept16 leptocephali21 macrocephaly26 megacephalic24 mesencephala21 mesocephalic23 metencephala21 microcephals23 microcephaly26
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