Builds is valid Scrabble Word

Is builds a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is builds valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BUILDS in dictionary:

Words related to BUILDS

build8 builded11 building12 built7

Words that contain BUILDS

rebuilds11 unbuilds11 upbuilds13 misbuilds14 outbuilds12 prebuilds14 overbuilds16 bodybuilds19 underbuilds15 scratchbuilds23

How to use BUILDS in a sentence

Similar words containing BUILD without suffix s

build8 builded11 builder10 buildup12 rebuild10 unbuild10 upbuild12 builders11 building12 buildout11 buildups13 misbuild13 outbuild11 prebuild13 rebuilds11 unbuilds11 upbuilds13 abuilding13 buildable14 builddown16 buildings13 buildouts12 misbuilds14 outbuilds12 overbuild15 prebuilds14 rebuilded13 upbuilder14 bodybuild18 builddowns17 overbuilds16 rebuilding14 unbuilding14 underbuild14 upbuilders15 upbuilding16 bodybuilds19 boatbuilder16 bodybuilder20 misbuilding17 nonbuilding15 outbuilding15 prebuilding17 rebuildings15 shipbuilder19 unbuildable16 underbuilds15 upbuildings17 boatbuilders17 boatbuilding18 bodybuilders21 bodybuilding22 coachbuilder22 outbuildings16 overbuilding19 scratchbuild22 shipbuilders20 shipbuilding21 underbuilder16 nonbuildings16 roadbuilding17 boatbuildings19 bodybuildings23 coachbuilders23 coachbuilding24 multibuilding19 scratchbuilds23 shipbuildings22 underbuilders17 underbuilding18 roadbuildings18 coachbuildings25 scratchbuilder24 multibuildings20 scratchbuilders25 scratchbuilding26
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