Botas is valid Scrabble Word

Is botas a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is botas valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BOTAS in dictionary:

Words related to BOTAS


How to use BOTAS in a sentence

Similar words containing BOTA without suffix s

bota6 botany11 botanic11 botargo10 botanica12 botanics12 botanies10 botanise10 botanist10 botanize19 botargos11 cabotage13 sabotage11 botanical13 botanicas13 botanised12 botaniser11 botanises11 botanists11 botanized21 botanizer20 botanizes20 botargoes12 cabotages14 geobotany15 sabotaged13 sabotages12 botanicals14 botanisers12 botanising13 botanizers21 botanizing22 geobotanic15 sabotaging14 astrobotany16 botanically18 botanomancy20 ethnobotany19 geobotanies14 geobotanist14 nonbotanist13 paleobotany18 archeobotany22 geobotanical17 geobotanists15 nonbotanists14 palaeobotany19 paleobotanic18 archaeobotany23 astrobotanies15 botanomancies19 ethnobotanies18 ethnobotanist18 palaeobotanic19 paleobotanies17 paleobotanist17 archeobotanies21 archeobotanist21 ethnobotanical21 ethnobotanists19 palaeobotanies18 palaeobotanist18 paleobotanical20 paleobotanists18 archaeobotanies22 archaeobotanist22 archeobotanists22 palaeobotanical21 palaeobotanists19 paleobotanicall21 paleobotanically25
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