Bios is valid Scrabble Word

Is bios a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bios valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BIOS in dictionary:

Words related to BIOS


Words that contain BIOS

abioses9 abiosis9 bioscope14 bioscopy17 biosolid11 scabiosa12 anabioses11 anabiosis11 biosafety17 bioscopes15 biosensor11 biosocial13 biosolids12 biosphere16 biostable13 biostatic13 biostrome13 dubiosity15 epibioses13 epibiosis13 scabiosas13 symbioses16 symbiosis16 aerobioses12 aerobiosis12 antibioses12 antibiosis12 bioscience16 bioscopies16 biosensors12 biospheres17 biospheric19 biostatics14 biostromes14 biosurgery16 cellobiose14 parabioses14 parabiosis14 biosafeties16 biosciences17 biosocially18 cellobioses15 dubiosities14 gnotobioses14 gnotobiosis14 necrobioses15 necrobiosis15 biosecurity18 anaerobioses14 anaerobiosis14 biosatellite14 bioscientist16 biosurgeries15 biosyntheses20 biosynthesis20 biosynthetic22 cryptobioses21 cryptobiosis21 trophobioses19 trophobiosis19 biosatellites15 bioscientific22 bioscientists17 biostatically20 biostatistics17 biosystematic22 endosymbioses21 endosymbiosis21 parasymbioses22 parasymbiosis22 biosecurities17 biostatistical18 biosystematics23 biosystematist21 biostatistician19 biostratigraphy26 biosystematists22 biostratigraphi23 biosyntheticall25 biosynthetically29 biostatisticians20 biostratigraphic26 biostratigraphies25

Similar words containing BIO without suffix s

bio5 biog7 biogs8 biome9 biont7 biota7 biodot9 biogas9 biogen9 biomes10 bionic10 bionts8 biopic12 biopsy13 biotas8 biotic10 biotin8 gabion9 abioses9 abiosis9 abiotic11 biobank15 biochip16 biocide12 biodata10 biodots10 biofact14 biofilm14 biofuel12 biogens10 biogeny13 bioherm14 biology13 biomass11 bionics11 bionomy14 biontic11 biophor14 biopics13 bioplay14 biopsic13 bioptic13 biotech14 biotics11 biotins9 biotite9 biotope11 biotron9 biotype14 dubious10 eobiont9 gabions10 gobioid11 rubious9 symbion14 symbiot14 bioassay13 biobanks16 bioblast12 biochips17 biocidal13 biocides13 bioclean12 biocycle17 bioethic15 biofacts15 biofilms15 biofuels13 biogases11 biogenic13 biograph16 bioherms15 biologic13 biolyses13 biolysis13 biolytic15 biometer12 biometry15 biomorph17 bionomic14 biophore15 biophors15 bioplasm14 bioplast12 bioplays15 biopsied13 biopsies12 bioscope14 bioscopy17 biosolid11 biotechs15 biotical12 biotites10 biotitic12 biotopes12 biotoxin17 biotrons10 biotroph15 biotypes15 biotypic17 biovular13 biowaste13 ebionise10 ebionism12 ebionize19 eobionts10 gabioned12 gobioids12 scabiosa12 scabious12 symbions15 symbiont15 symbiote15 symbiots15 abiogenic14 aerobiont11 anabioses11 anabiosis11 anabiotic13 bioactive16 bioassays14 bioblasts13 biocenose13 biochemic20 biocycles18 biodiesel12 bioenergy15 bioethics16 biofibers16 biofibres16 biofouler14 biofueled15 biogasses12 biogenies12 biogenous12 biographs17 biography20 biohazard24 biologics14 biologies12 biologism14 biologist12 biomarker17 biomasses13 biometers13 biometric15 biomining14 biomorphs18 bionomics15 bionomies13 bionomist13 bioparent13 biophilia16 biophores16 biopiracy18 biopirate13 bioplasms15 bioplasts13 biopsying17 bioregion12 biorhythm22 biosafety17 bioscopes15 biosensor11 biosocial13 biosolids12 biosphere16 biostable13 biostatic13 biostrome13 bioterror11 biotoxins18 biotrophs16 bioturbed14 biowastes14 bioweapon16 dubiosity15 dubiously15 ebionised12 ebionises11 ebionisms13 ebionitic13 ebionized21 ebionizes20 epibioses13 epibiosis13 epibiotic15 excambion22 gabionade13 gabionage13 halobiont14 indubious12 mycobiont18 prebiotic15 probiotic15 scabiosas13 symbionts16 symbioses16 symbiosis16 symbiotes16 symbiotic18 synbiotic16 zoobiotic22 biohacker20 abiogenist13 abiotrophy20 aerobionts12 aerobioses12 aerobiosis12 aerobiotic14 ambiophony22 amphibious19 antibioses12 antibiosis12 antibiotic14 bioassayed16 biobanking19 biocellate14 biocenoses14 biocenosis14 biocenotic16 biochemist19 bioclastic16 biocontrol14 biodegrade15 biodiesels13 biodiverse16 biodynamic20 bioecology18 bioethanol15 bioethical17 biofoulers15 biofouling16 biofuelled16 biogeneses13 biogenesis13 biogenetic15 biographed19 biographee18 biographer18 biographic20 biohazards25 biological15 biologisms15 biologists13 biomarkers18 biomedical17 biometrics16 biometries14 biomimetic18 biomimicry21 biominings15 biomorphic21 bionomists14 bioparents14 biophilias17 biophysics22 biopirates14 bioplasmic18 biopoieses14 biopoiesis14 biopolymer19 bioprivacy22 bioreactor14 bioreagent13 bioregions13 biorhythms23 bioscience16 bioscopies16 biosensors12 biospheres17 biospheric19 biostatics14 biostromes14 biosurgery16 bioterrors12 biotically17 bioweapons17 cellobiose14 diplobiont15 ebionising13 ebionitism14 ebionizing22 endobiotic15 excambions23 exobiology23 gabionades14 gabionages14 gabionnade14 gnotobiote13 halobionts15 halobiotic17 haplobiont17 labionasal12 labiovelar15 macrobiota16 macrobiote16 microbiome18 microbiota16 mycobionts19
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