Aural is valid Scrabble Word

Is aural a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is aural valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AURAL in dictionary:

Words related to AURAL

aurality11 aurally10

Words that contain AURAL

aurally10 aurality11 binaural10 monaural10 subaural10 thesaural12 auralities10 binaurally15 monaurally15

How to use AURAL in a sentence

Similar words containing AUR without suffix al

aura4 baur6 daur5 faur7 gaur5 waur7 aurae5 aurar5 auras5 aurei5 aures5 auric7 auris5 aurum7 baurs7 cauri7 daurs6 faurd9 gaurs6 glaur6 kauri9 kauru9 kaury12 knaur9 laura5 mauri7 saury8 scaur7 waurs8 whaur11 aurate6 aureus6 aurify12 aurist6 aurora6 aurous6 aurums8 cauris8 daured8 faurer9 glaurs7 glaury10 kauris10 kaurus10 knaurs10 laurae6 lauras6 laurel6 lauric8 lauryl9 mauris8 saurel6 scaurs8 scaury11 tauric8 waured10 waurst9 whaurs12 aurally10 aurated8 aurates7 aureate7 aureity10 aurelia7 aureola7 aureole7 auricle9 aurists7 aurochs12 aurorae7 auroral7 auroras7 centaur9 dauring9 faurest10 kauries11 laurels7 lauryls10 rauriki11 saurels7 saurian7 sauries7 sauroid8 scaured10 taurean7 taurine7 vaurien10 wauring11 allosaur8 aurality11 aurelian8 aurelias8 aureolae8 aureolas8 aureoled9 aureoles8 auricled11 auricles10 auricula10 aurified12 aurifies11 auriform13 aurorean8 balisaur10 barosaur10 binaural10 centaurs10 centaury13 dinosaur9 glaurier9 hauriant11 haurient11 inaurate8 laureate8 laureled9 maiasaur10 mesosaur10 minotaur10 monaural10 mosasaur10 pauraque19 pauropod13 pliosaur10 raurikis12 saurians8 sauroids9 sauropod11 scauries10 scauring11 semitaur10 subaural10 taurines8 thesauri11 vauriens11 allosaurs9 amauroses11 amaurosis11 amaurotic13 apatosaur11 archosaur14 aureately12 aureities9 aurelians9 aureoling10 auriculae11 auricular11 auriculas11 aurifying16 auriscope13 aurochses14 aurorally12 balisaurs11 barosaurs11 bucentaur13 carnosaur11 centaurea11 centauric13 deinosaur10 dinosaurs10 glauriest10 hadrosaur13 inaurated10 inaurates9 laureated10 laureates9 laureling10 laurelled10 maiasaura11 maiasaurs11 mesosaurs11 mosasauri11 mosasaurs11 pauraques20 pauropods14 petaurine11 petaurist11 pliosaurs11 pterosaur11 sauropods12 semitaurs11 stegosaur10 supersaur11 tauriform14 teleosaur9 thesaural12 thesaurus12 allosaurus10 ankylosaur17 apatosaurs12 archosaurs15 auralities10 auriculars12 auriculate12 auriferous13 auriscopes14 auriscopic16 binaurally15 brontosaur12 bucentaurs14 carnosaurs12 centaureas12 centaurian12 centauries12 cotylosaur15 deinosaurs11 dinosauric13 elasmosaur12 hadrosaurs14 inaurating11 lauraceous12 laurdalite11 laureating11 laureation10 laurelling11 laurustine10 laurvikite17 maiasauras12 megalosaur13 monaurally15 mosasaurus12 onocentaur12 pelycosaur17 petaurines12 petaurists12 plesiosaur12 pterosaurs12 restaurant10 roquelaure19 staurolite10 stegosaurs11 supersaurs12 taurobolia12 tauromachy20 teleosaurs10 titanosaur10 ankylosaurs18 apatosaurus13 aureateness11 auricularly16 auriculated14 biauricular15 brontosaurs13 ceteosaurus13 coelurosaur13 cotylosaurs16 dinosaurian12 elasmosaurs13 hadrosaurus15 ichthyosaur22 instaurator11 laurdalites12 laureations11 laurustines11 laurustinus11 laurvikites18 megalosauri14 megalosaurs14 onocentaurs13 ornithosaur14 pelycosaurs18 plesiosaurs13 prosauropod16 restaurants11 roquelaures20 saurischian16 sauropodous14 sauropsidan14 staurolites11 staurolitic13 stauroscope15 stegosaurus12 taurobolium15 thesauruses14 titanosaurs11 tyrannosaur14 brachiosaur18 allosauruses12 ankylosaurus19 archosaurian17 auriculately17 baccalaurean18 biauriculate16 brontosaurus14 coelurosaurs14 hippocentaur21 ichthyosauri23 ichthyosaurs23 instauration12 instaurators12 laureateship17 megalosaurus15 ornithosaurs15 prosauropods17 pterosaurian14 restaurateur12 restauration12 saurischians17 sauropsidans15 stauroscopes16 stauroscopic18
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