Anta is valid Scrabble Word

Is anta a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is anta valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ANTA in dictionary:

Words related to ANTA

antae5 antas5 pilaster10

Words that contain ANTA

antae5 antar5 antas5 manta7 antara6 antars6 bantam10 cantal8 cantar8 fantad10 kantar10 mantas8 planta8 quanta15 santal6 antacid10 antaras7 bantams11 cantala9 cantals9 cantars9 cantata9 cantate9 fantads11 fantail10 fantasm12 fantast10 fantasy13 infanta10 kantars11 lantana7 maranta9 plantae9 plantar9 plantas9 quantal16 santals7 tantara7 vantage11 wantage11 antacids11 antalgic11 brantail10 cantalas10 cantatas10 cantates10 chantage14 fantails11 fantasia11 fantasie11 fantasms13 fantasts11 infantas11 lantanas8 marantas10 octantal10 pantable12 pantalet10 pantalon10 phantasm15 phantast13 phantasy16 plantage11 plantain10 santalic10 santalin8 santalol8 sonantal8 tantalic10 tantalum10 tantalus8 tantaras8 tarantas8 vantaged13 vantages12 wantages12 wantaway17 advantage14 antalgics12 antalkali13 antarctic13 brantails11 cantabank17 cantabile13 cantaloup13 chantable16 chantages15 decantate12 fantailed13 fantasias12 fantasied13 fantasies12 fantasise12 fantasist12 fantasize21 fantasmal14 fantasmic16 fantasque21 fantastic14 fantastry15 grantable12 Show more ...
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