Ait is valid Scrabble Word

Is ait a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ait valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AIT in dictionary:

Words related to AIT


Words that contain AIT

aits4 aitu4 bait6 gait5 rait4 tait4 wait7 fait7 aitch10 aitus5 await8 baith10 baits7 faith11 gaita6 gaits6 gaitt6 haith11 krait9 laith8 laity8 plait7 raita5 raits5 saith8 spait7 taits5 trait5 waite8 waits8 awaits9 baited9 baiter8 coaita8 faiths12 faitor9 gaitas7 gaited8 gaiter7 gaitts7 graith10 karait10 kraits10 kwaito13 plaits8 raitas6 raited7 rebait8 saithe9 saiths9 scaith11 skaith13 spaits8 staith9 strait6 traits6 twaite9 waited10 waiter9 waites9 wraith12 aitches12 awaited11 awaiter10 baiters9 baiting10 caitiff15 caitive12 coaitas9 extrait14 faithed14 faither13 faitors10 faitour10 gaiters8 gaiting9 graiths11 karaits11 kwaitos14 laithly13 laities7 outwait10 parfait12 plaited10 plaiter9 raiting8 rebaits9 redbait10 retrait7 saithes10 scaiths12 shaitan10 skaiths14 staithe10 staiths10 straits7 thwaite13 traitor7 twaites10 unfaith13 unplait9 waiters10 waiting11 waitron10 wraiths13 zaitech21 awaiters11 awaiting12 baitfish16 baitings11 buzzbait30 caitiffs16 caitives13 crowbait15 distrait9 extraits15 faithers14 faithful17 faithing15 faitours11 gaitered10 graithed13 graithly15 jailbait17 laitance10 misfaith16 outwaits11 paitrick16 parfaits13 plaiters10 plaiting11 portrait10 rebaited11 redbaits11 retraite8 retraits8 retraitt8 scaithed14 shaitans11 skaithed16 staithes11 straited9 straiten8 straiter8 straitly11 thwaites14 traitors8 uintaite8 unbaited11 unfaiths14 unplaits10 waitered12 waitings12 waitlist11 waitress11 waitrons11 zaitechs22 aitchbone16 buzzbaits31 clickbait19 crowbaits16 distraite10 faithcure17 faithfuls18 faithings16 faithless15 forfaiter15 graithing14 jailbaits18 kadaitcha19 laitances11 misfaiths17 outwaited13 paitricks17 plaitings12 portraits11 rebaiting12 redbaited13 redbaiter12 retraites9 retraitts9 scaithing15 skaithing17 spoonbait13 straitens9 straitest9 straiting10 tinguaite10 traitorly12 traitress9 uintaites9 unplaited12 upaithric16 waiterage13 waitering13 waitingly16 waitlists12 waitstaff18 whitebait17 crankbait17 aitchbones17 baitfishes18 clickbaits20 dumbwaiter18 faithcures18 faithfully22 forfaiters16 forfaiting17 gaiterless11 groundbait14 headwaiter17 hupaithric20 interfaith16 kadaitchas20 kurdaitcha20 landwaiter14 outwaiting14 portraited13 redbaiters13 redbaiting14 scaithless15 skaithless17 spoonbaits14 straitened11 straitness10 tidewaiter14 tinguaites11 traitoress10 traitorism12 traitorous10 unfaithful19 unplaiting13 waiterages14 waiterhood17 waiterings14 waitlisted14 waitperson15 waitressed14 waitresses13 waitstaffs19 whitebaits18 wraithlike20 baitcaster14 crankbaits18 waitpeople17 bearbaiting16 bullbaiting16 dumbwaiters19 faithlessly20 faithworthy26 forfaitings18 groundbaits15 headwaiters18 kurdaitchas21 landwaiters15 portraiting14 portraitist13 portraiture13 scambaiting18 straitening12 straitlaced14 tidewaiters15 traitorhood15 traitorisms13 traitorship16 traitresses11 waiterhoods18 waitlisting15 waitpersons16 waitressing15 baitcasters15 bearbaitings17 bullbaitings17 faithfulness21 groundbaited17 portraitists14 portraitures14 scambaitings19 straitjacket25 straitnesses12 traitoresses12 traitorhoods16 traitorously15 traitorships17 unfaithfully24 waitressings16 faithlessness19 groundbaiting18 straitjackets26 straitlacedly19 faithworthier25 faithfulnesses23 straitjacketed28 traitorousness14 unfaithfulness23 faithworthiest26 faithlessnesses21 faithworthiness27 straitjacketing29 straitlacedness18

How to use AIT in a sentence

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