Wining is valid Scrabble Word

Is wining a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is wining valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WINING in dictionary:

Words related to WINING

wine7 wined9 wines8

Words that contain WINING

dwining12 twining11 twinings12 entwining13 intwining13 twiningly16 untwining13 disentwining17 intertwining16 intertwinings17 intertwiningly21

Similar words containing WIN without suffix ing

win6 twin7 wind8 wine7 wing8 wink11 winn7 wino7 wins7 winy10 awing9 dwine9 gwine9 lawin8 owing9 powin10 rawin8 rewin8 sewin8 swine8 swing9 swink12 twine8 twink12 twins8 twiny11 wince10 winch13 winds9 windy12 wined9 wines8 winey11 winge9 wings9 wingy12 winks12 winna8 winns8 winos8 winze17 aswing10 bowing12 cawing12 cowing12 dawing11 dewing11 dowing11 dwined11 dwines10 enwind10 hawing13 hewing13 inwind10 jawing17 jewing17 jowing17 kawing14 lawine9 lawing10 lawins9 lowing10 mawing12 mewing12 mowing12 newing10 outwin9 pawing12 powins11 rawing10 rawins9 rewind10 rewins9 rowing10 sawing10 sewing10 sewins9 sowing10 swines9 swinge10 swings10 swingy13 swinks13 tawing10 tewing10 towing10 twined10 twiner9 twines9 twinge10 twinks13 twinky16 unwind10 upwind12 vowing13 winced12 wincer11 winces11 wincey14 windac12 Show more ...
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