Vena is valid Scrabble Word

Is vena a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is vena valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for VENA in dictionary:

Words related to VENA


Words that contain VENA

venae8 venal8 novena9 juvenal17 novenae10 novenas10 venally13 venatic12 venator10 covenant13 juvenals18 novenary14 ovenable13 revenant11 venality14 venation11 venators11 covenants14 revenants12 sovenance14 venatical14 venations12 avenaceous15 convenable17 convenance17 covenantal15 covenanted16 covenantee15 covenanter15 covenantor15 novenaries13 prevenancy20 provenance17 rejuvenate20 sovenances15 venalities13 venational13 venatorial13 convenances18 covenantees16 covenanters16 covenanting17 covenantors16 provenances18 rejuvenated22 rejuvenates21 rejuvenator21 venatically19 covenantally20 prevenancies19 rejuvenating23 rejuvenation22 rejuvenators22 uncovenanted18 rejuvenations23

How to use VENA in a sentence

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