Unweighted is valid Scrabble Word

Is unweighted a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is unweighted valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for UNWEIGHTED in dictionary:

Words related to UNWEIGHTED

unweight15 unweighting19 unweights16

How to use UNWEIGHTED in a sentence

Similar words containing WEIGHT without suffix ed and without prefix un

weight13 weights14 weighty17 unweight15 weighted16 weighter15 bobweight20 flyweight22 unweights16 weightage17 weighters16 weightier16 weightily19 weighting17 bobweights21 deadweight19 flyweights23 makeweight23 overweight20 weightages18 weightiest17 weightings18 weightless17 catchweight25 deadweights20 heavyweight27 lightweight22 makeweights24 overweights21 paperweight22 pennyweight23 strawweight21 underweight19 unweighting19 weightiness18 bantamweight23 heavyweights28 lightweights23 middleweight23 overweighted23 paperweights23 pennyweights24 strawweights22 summerweight23 underweights20 unweightings20 weightlessly22 weightlifter22 welterweight22 winterweight22 bantamweights24 counterweight22 cruiserweight22 featherweight26 hundredweight25 middleweights24 overweighting24 weightinesses20 weightlifters23 weightlifting24 welterweights23 counterweights23 cruiserweights23 featherweights27 hundredweights26 weightlessness21 weightliftings25 counterweighted25 counterweightin24 weightlessnesse22 counterweighting26 weightlessnesses23 superheavyweight34 ultralightweight27 superheavyweights35
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