Riba is valid Scrabble Word

Is riba a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is riba valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for RIBA in dictionary:

Words related to RIBA


Words that contain RIBA

ribas7 arriba8 ribald9 riband9 ribaud9 tribal8 zariba17 zeriba17 ribalds10 ribands10 ribauds10 scribal11 tribade10 tribady13 tribals9 zaribas18 zeribas18 bribable14 oribatid11 ribalder11 ribaldly14 ribaldry14 ribaudry14 tribades11 tribadic13 tribally13 tribasic12 escribano13 garibaldi13 nontribal11 oribatids12 ribaldest12 ribattuta11 ribaudred13 ribavirin14 scribable15 tribadies12 tribadism14 tribalism13 tribalist11 turribant11 waribashi17 ascribable16 escribanos14 garibaldis14 ribaldries13 ribattutas12 ribaudries13 ribavirins15 tribadisms15 tribalisms14 tribalists12 turribants12 unbribable16 waribashis18 describable18 detribalise14 detribalize23 inscribable17 intertribal13 scribacious17 tribalistic15 detribalised16 detribalises15 detribalized25 detribalizes24 subscribable20 detribalising17 detribalizing26 indescribable20 indescribably23 transcribable19 undescribable20 indescribables21 circumscribable27 detribalisation18 detribalization27 inscribableness21 scribaciousness21 retribalization26 indescribablene22 detribalizations28 indescribableness24 indescribablenesses26
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