Ois is valid Scrabble Word

Is ois a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ois valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for OIS in dictionary:

Words related to OIS


Words that contain OIS

bois6 hois7 kois8 pois6 foist8 hiois8 hoise8 hoist8 joist12 moist7 noise5 noisy8 poise7 roist5 toise5 trois5 zoism16 zoist14 egoism9 egoist7 envois9 foison9 foists9 froise9 hikois13 hoised10 hoises9 hoisin9 hoists9 joists13 kikois14 moiser8 moists8 noised7 noises6 oboist8 patois8 poised9 poiser8 poises8 poisha11 poison8 putois8 quoist15 roists6 toises6 toison6 zoisms17 zoists15 moisty11 altoist7 borzois18 chamois14 chinois12 cloison9 dodoism11 echoise12 echoism14 echoist12 egoisms10 egoists8 foisons10 foisted11 foister10 froises10 genoise8 haubois12 heroise10 heroism12 hoboism14 hoising11 hoisins10 hoisted11 hoister10 hyloist13 joisted15 judoist15 locoism11 moisers9 moisted10 moisten9 moister9 moistly12 nicoise9 noisier7 noisily10 noising8 noisome9 oboists9 octrois9 poisers9 poishas12 poising10 poisons9 poisson9 poloist9 quoists16 renvois10 roisted8 roister7 shamois12 Show more ...

Similar words containing OI without suffix s

oi2 boi5 hoi6 koi7 moi5 oik7 oil3 poi5 boil6 bois6 coif9 coil6 coin6 coir6 coit6 doit5 euoi4 foid8 foil7 foin7 hioi7 hoik11 hois7 join11 kois8 loid5 loin4 loir4 moil6 moit6 mooi6 naoi4 noil4 noir4 oiks8 oils4 oily7 oink8 oint4 pois6 roid5 roil4 roin4 soil4 toil4 toit4 void8 voip9 zoic15 soie4 voix14 choi9 foie7 voir7 joie11 aboil7 aidoi6 aloin5 aroid6 askoi9 auloi5 avoid9 axoid13 azoic16 boils7 boing8 boink11 boite7 broil7 choil10 choir10 coifs10 coign8 coils7 coins7 coirs7 coits7 demoi8 doilt6 doily9 doing7 doits6 droid7 droil6 droit6 eloin5 envoi8 foids9 foils8 foins8 foist8 geoid7 goier6 going7 groin6 hikoi12 hiois8 hoick14 hoied9 hoiks12 Show more ...
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