Oint is valid Scrabble Word

Is oint a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is oint valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for OINT in dictionary:

Words related to OINT

anoint6 ointed7 ointing8 oints5

Words that contain OINT

joint12 noint5 oints5 point7 anoint6 aroint6 joints13 noints6 ointed7 pointe8 points8 pointy11 abjoint16 adjoint15 anoints7 appoint11 aroints7 cointer9 injoint14 jointed15 jointer14 jointly17 nointed8 nointer7 ointing8 pointed10 pointel9 pointer9 pointes9 repoint9 unjoint14 abjoints17 acupoint12 adjoints16 anointed9 anointer8 appoints12 arointed9 cointers10 conjoint17 dewpoint14 disjoint16 drypoint14 endpoint11 eyepoint13 gunpoint11 injoints15 jointers15 jointing16 jointure15 midpoint13 mispoint12 nointers8 nointing9 nonpoint10 ointment10 outpoint10 parpoint12 penpoint12 pinpoint12 pointels10 pointers10 pointier10 pointing11 pointman12 pointmen12 reanoint8 repoints10 unjoints15 waypoint16 abjointed19 acupoints13 anointers9 anointing10 appointed14 appointee13 appointer13 appointor13 arointing10 autopoint11 ballpoint13 bluepoint13 cashpoint16 cointreau11 dewpoints15 disanoint10 disjoints17 drypoints15 endpoints12 eyepoints14 forepoint14 gunpoints12 injointed17 jointedly20 jointings17 jointless16 jointness16 jointress16 jointured17 jointures16 jointweed20 Show more ...
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