Interbed is valid Scrabble Word

Is interbed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is interbed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INTERBED in dictionary:

Words related to INTERBED

interbedded16 interbedding17 interbeds12

Words that contain INTERBED

interbeds12 interbedded16 interbedding17 interbeddings18

Similar words containing TERB without suffix ed and without prefix in

terbia8 terbic10 terbias9 terbium11 terbiums12 waterbed14 waterbus13 ytterbia13 ytterbic15 afterbody18 butterbur13 interbank15 interbeds12 interbred12 jitterbug19 laterborn11 letterbox18 litterbag12 litterbug12 waterbeds15 waterbird15 waterbuck20 ytterbias14 ytterbite14 ytterbium16 ytterbous14 afterburn14 afterbirth18 afterbrain15 bitterbark18 butterball14 butterburs14 canterbury17 chatterbox24 counterbid15 interbasin12 interblend13 interbrain12 interbreed13 jitterbugs20 laterborns12 litterbags13 litterbugs13 shutterbug16 waterbirds16 waterborne15 waterbrain15 waterbucks21 waterbuses15 ytterbites15 ytterbiums17 afterburns15 afterbirths19 afterbodies17 afterbrains16 afterburner16 bitterbarks19 bitterbrush18 butterballs15 canterburys18 centerboard16 counterbase15 counterbids16 counterblow18 counterbond16 counterbore15 counterbuff21 gutterblood15 halterbreak20 halterbroke20 interbedded16 interblends14 interbrains13 interbranch18 interbreeds14 interbroker17 letterboxed21 letterboxes20 quarterback28 shelterbelt16 shutterbugs17 teeterboard14 waldsterben17 waterbrains16 waterbusses16 winterberry19 interbasins13 terbutaline13 counterbade16 afterburners17 afterburning18 canterburies16 centerboards17 chatterboxes26 counterbases16 counterblast16 counterblows19 counterbluff22 counterbonds17 counterbored17 Show more ...
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