Expunction is valid Scrabble Word

Is expunction a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is expunction valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXPUNCTION in dictionary:

Words related to EXPUNCTION


Words that contain EXPUNCTION


How to use EXPUNCTION in a sentence

Similar words containing PUNC without suffix tion and without prefix ex

punce9 punch12 punced11 punces10 punchy16 puncta10 puncto10 expunct18 punched15 puncher14 punches14 puncing12 punctos11 punctum13 punctae11 expuncts19 keypunch22 outpunch15 prepunch17 punchbag18 puncheon15 punchers15 punchier15 punchily18 punching16 punchout15 punctate12 punctual12 punctule12 puncture12 punctums14 cardpunch19 expuncted21 punchbags19 punchball18 punchbowl21 puncheons16 punchiest16 punchless16 punchline16 punchouts16 punctated14 punctator13 punctilio13 punctuate13 punctules13 punctured14 puncturer13 punctures13 cowpuncher22 expuncting22 keypunched25 keypuncher24 keypunches24 outpunched18 outpunches17 prepunched20 prepunches19 punchballs19 punchboard20 punchbowls22 punchiness17 punchlines17 punctation14 punctators14 punctilios14 punctually17 punctuated15 punctuates14 punctuator14 punctulate14 puncturers14 puncturing15 sipunculid15 unpunctual14 acupuncture17 cardpunches21 compunction19 cowpunchers23 expunctions22 keypunchers25 keypunching26 outpunching19 prepunching21 prepunctual17 punchboards21 punchinello18 punctations15 punctilious15 punctualist15 punctuality18 punctuating16 punctuation15 punctuative18 punctuators15 punctulated16 punctulates15 puncturable17 sipunculids16 sipunculoid16 Show more ...
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