Craal is valid Scrabble Word

Is craal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is craal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CRAAL in dictionary:

Words related to CRAAL

craaled10 craaling11 craals8

Words that contain CRAAL

craals8 craaled10 craaling11

Similar words containing CRA without suffix al

crab8 crag7 cram8 cran6 crap8 craw9 cray9 crabs9 crack13 craft10 crags8 craic9 craig8 crake11 crame9 cramp11 crams9 crane7 crank11 crans7 crape9 craps9 crapy12 crare7 crash10 crass7 crate7 crave10 crawl10 craws10 crays10 craze16 crazy19 lycra10 micra9 picra9 sacra7 scrab9 scrae7 scrag8 scram9 scran7 scrap9 scrat7 scraw10 scray10 acrawl11 craals8 crabby15 cracka14 cracks14 cracky17 cradle9 crafts11 crafty14 craggy13 craics10 craigs9 craked13 crakes12 crambe12 crambo12 crames10 cramps12 crampy15 cranch13 craned9 cranes8 crania8 cranks12 cranky15 cranny11 crants8 craped11 crapes10 craple10 crappy15 crares8 crases8 crasis8 cratch13 crated9 crater8 crates8 craton8 cratur8 cravat11 craved12 craven11 craver11 craves11 crawls11 crawly14 crayer11 crayon11 crazed18 crazes17 fulcra11 lycras11 picras10 Show more ...
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