Amu is valid Scrabble Word

Is amu a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is amu valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AMU in dictionary:

Words related to AMU


Words that contain AMU

amus6 namu6 amuck13 amuse7 camus9 gamut8 namus7 ramus7 wamus10 yamun10 amucks14 amulet8 amused9 amuser8 amuses8 amusia8 amusic10 famuli11 gamuts9 hamuli11 karamu12 ramuli8 shamus11 yamuns11 amulets9 amusers9 amusias9 amusing10 amusive12 calamus11 camuses11 famulus12 hamular12 hamulus12 karamus13 qamutik22 ramular9 ramulus9 samurai9 wamuses12 yamulka16 amuletic12 amusable12 amusedly14 amusette10 cardamum15 hamulate13 hamulose13 hamulous13 malamute12 mandamus13 qamutiks23 ramulose10 ramulous10 samurais10 shamuses13 squamula19 squamule19 testamur10 thalamus13 unamused11 yamulkas17 amuseable13 amusement13 amusettes11 amusingly15 calamuses13 cardamums16 gaudeamus13 ignoramus12 malamutes13 muckamuck25 novodamus15 squamulas20 squamules20 testamurs11 unamusing12 famuluses14 amusements14 barramunda15 barramundi15 burramundi15 extramural19 hyoscyamus23 intramural12 mandamused16 mandamuses15 muckamucks26 ragamuffin19 rajpramukh28 squamulose21 unamusable14 amusingness14 amusiveness16 barramundas16 barramundis16 burramundis16 gaudeamuses15 ignoramuses14 intramurals13 mandamusing17 Show more ...

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