Acred is valid Scrabble Word

Is acred a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is acred valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ACRED in dictionary:

Words that contain ACRED

nacred9 sacred9 conacred13 sacreder11 sacredly14 massacred14 nonsacred12 sacredest12 sacredness13 semisacred15 sacrednesses15

Similar words containing ACR without suffix ed

acre6 acro6 acres7 acrid8 acros7 macro9 nacre7 sacra7 sacre7 acrawl11 across8 dacron9 fiacre11 macron10 macros10 nacred9 nacres8 sacral8 sacred9 sacrum10 acrasia9 acrasin9 acratic11 acreage10 acrider10 acridin10 acridly13 acrobat11 acrogen10 acromia11 acronic11 acronym14 acroter9 acrotic11 acrylic14 acrylyl15 conacre11 dacrons10 epacrid12 epacris11 fiacres12 macrame13 macrami13 macrons11 nacrite9 nacrous9 polacre11 sacrals9 sacrify15 sacring10 sacrist9 sacrums11 tacrine9 acrasias10 acrasins10 acreages11 acridest11 acridine11 acridins11 acridity14 acrimony15 acrobats12 acrodont11 acrogens11 acrolect12 acrolein10 acrolith13 acromial12 acromion12 acronyms15 acrosome12 acrostic12 acroters10 acrotism12 acrylate13 acrylics15 acrylyls16 alacrity13 bacronym17 conacred13 conacres12 cornacre12 epacrids13 lacrimal12 lacrosse10 lacrymal15 macrames14 macramis14 macropod15 macrural12 macruran12 massacre12 nacreous10 nacrites10 polacres12 sacraria10 sacreder11 sacredly14 sacrings11 sacrists10 Show more ...
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