Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain VOR

vors7 bevor10 favor11 ivory11 livor8 savor8 bevors11 cavort11 devore10 favors12 fervor12 flavor12 livors9 salvor9 savors9 savory12 vorago10 vorant9 vorpal11 vorred10 vortex16 vortal9 cavorts12 devores11 divorce13 dvornik15 favored14 favorer13 fervors13 flavors13 flavory16 ivoried11 ivories10 ivorist10 revivor13 salvors10 savored11 savorer10 voragos11 vorlage11 vorring11 ivorier10 cavorted14 cavorter13 disfavor15 divorced15 divorcee14 divorcer14 divorces14 dvorniks16 endeavor12 favorers14 favoring15 favorite14 flavored15 flavorer14 gillyvor15 ivorists11 locavore13 omnivora13 omnivore13 omnivory16 outsavor11 revivors14 savorers11 savorier11 savories11 savorily14 savoring12 savorous11 survivor14 unsavory14 voracity16 voragoes12 vorlages12 vortexes18 vortical13 vortices13 ivoriest11 apivorous14 carnivora14 carnivore14 carnivory17 cavorters14 cavorting15 disfavors16 divorcees15 divorcers15 divorcing16 divorcive18 endeavors13 favorable17 favorably20 favorites15 favorless15 fervorous15 flavorers15 flavorful18 flavoring16 flavorist15 flavorous15 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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