Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain VIS

visa7 vise7 avis7 avise8 aviso8 devis9 divis9 levis8 mavis10 ovist8 pavis10 visas8 vised9 vises8 visie8 visit8 visne8 vison8 visor8 vista8 visto8 advise10 avised10 avises9 avisos9 brevis11 civism13 clavis11 clevis11 clovis11 devise10 dovish13 elvish12 favism14 gravis10 lavish12 ovisac11 ovists9 parvis11 pavise11 pelvis11 ravish12 revise9 travis9 trevis9 visaed10 visage10 visard10 viscid12 viscin11 viscum13 viscus11 viseed10 visied10 visier9 visies9 visile9 vising10 vision9 visite9 visits9 visive12 visnes9 visons9 visors9 vistal9 vistas9 vistos9 visual9 divisi10 advised12 advisee11 adviser11 advises11 advisor11 atavism12 atavist10 avising11 chavish18 civisms14 dervish14 devisal11 devised12 devisee11 deviser11 devises11 devisor11 divisim13 divisor11 fauvism15 fauvist13 favisms15 knavish17 maulvis12 mavises12 moolvis12 naivist10 ovisacs12 parvise12 paviser12 pavises12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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