Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain RACH

brach12 orach10 rache10 brachs13 drachm14 orache11 raches11 rachet11 rachis11 urachi11 arachis12 brachah17 braches14 brachet14 brachia14 brachot14 currach14 drachma15 drachms15 earache12 oraches12 rachets12 rachial12 trachea12 trachle12 urachus12 abrachia15 arachnid14 borachio15 brachahs18 brachets15 brachial15 brachium17 ceterach15 crachach20 currachs15 didrachm17 drachmae16 drachmai16 drachmas16 earaches13 guaracha14 guarache14 guarachi14 huarache16 huaracho16 parachor15 racheted14 rachides14 rachilla13 rachises13 rachitic15 rachitis13 shadrach17 tracheae13 tracheal13 tracheas13 tracheid14 trachled14 trachles13 trachoma15 trachyte16 tribrach15 sriracha13 abrachias16 arachises14 arachnids15 arachnoid15 astrachan14 azedarach24 bacharach21 barachois16 batrachia16 borachios16 brachials16 brachiate16 brachiums18 ceterachs16 didrachma18 didrachms18 guarachas15 guaraches15 guarachis15 huaraches17 huarachos17 parachors16 parachute16 pracharak20 quebracho25 racheting15 rachidial15 rachidian15 rachillae14 rachillas14 sandarach15 shadrachs18 tracheary17 tracheate14 tracheide15 tracheids15 tracheole14 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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