Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain RACE

brace9 grace8 raced8 racer7 races7 trace7 braced11 bracer10 braces10 enrace8 graced10 graces9 raceme10 racers8 traced9 tracer8 traces8 aggrace11 barrace11 boraces11 bracero11 bracers11 dracena10 embrace13 engrace10 enraced10 enraces9 hyraces15 outrace9 prerace11 racemed12 racemes11 racemic13 raceway15 rebrace11 retrace9 subrace11 terrace9 tracers9 tracery12 traceur9 unbrace11 unraced10 untrace9 aggraced13 aggraces12 araceous10 barraces12 bongrace13 bracelet12 braceros12 disgrace12 dracenas11 embraced15 embracer14 embraces14 engraced12 engraces11 footrace13 graceful14 headrace14 landrace11 millrace12 mistrace12 outraced11 outraces10 postrace12 raceable12 racecard13 racegoer11 racemate12 racemise12 racemism14 racemize21 racemoid13 racemose12 racemous12 racepath15 racewalk17 raceways16 rebraced13 rebraces12 retraced11 retracer10 retraces10 subraces12 tailrace10 terraced11 terraces10 thoraces13 traceurs10 unbraced13 unbraces12 ungraced12 untraced11 untraces10 vambrace17 anthraces14 bongraces14 bracelets13 ceraceous13 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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