Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain PEG

pegh10 pegs7 pego7 peggy12 peghs11 repeg8 unpeg8 pegos8 hatpeg12 pegbox18 pegged11 peghed13 pegtop11 repegs9 sapego9 unpegs9 hatpegs13 pegasus10 peggier11 peggies11 pegging12 peghing14 pegless10 peglike14 pegtops12 arpeggio12 pegboard14 pegboxes20 peggiest12 peggings13 repegged13 sapegoes11 unpegged13 arpeggios13 pegasuses12 pegboards15 peglegged15 pegmatite14 repegging14 scapegoat14 scrapegut14 unpegging14 arpeggiate14 arpeggione14 bibliopegy20 pegmatites15 pegmatitic17 scapegoats15 scapegrace17 scrapegood16 scrapeguts15 arpeggiated16 arpeggiates15 arpeggiones15 bibliopegic20 mumbletypeg23 scapegoated17 scapegraces18 scrapegoods17 arpeggiating17 arpeggiation16 bibliopegies19 bibliopegist19 mumbletypegs24 scapegallows20 scapegoating18 scapegoatism19 arpeggiations17 bibliopegists20 scapegoatings19 scapegoatisms20 micropegmatite23 scapegallowses22 micropegmatites24 micropegmatitic26

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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