Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with OUR

cour6 dour5 four7 hour7 jour11 lour4 ourn4 ours4 pour6 sour4 tour4 your7 amour7 bourd8 bourg8 bourn7 clour7 courb9 courd8 coure7 cours7 court7 doura6 flour8 fours8 goura6 gourd7 houri8 hours8 jours12 koura9 loure5 lours5 loury8 mourn7 odour6 ourie5 pours7 scour7 sours5 stour5 tours5 yourn8 yours8 yourt8 amours8 arbour8 ardour7 armour8 avoure9 bourds9 bourgs9 bourne8 bourns8 bourse8 clours8 colour8 courbs10 coured9 coures8 courie8 course8 courts8 detour7 devour10 dolour7 dourah10 douras7 dourer7 dourly10 dyvour13 favour12 flours9 floury12 fourth12 giaour7 gouras7 gourde8 gourds8 gourdy11 honour9 houris9 hourly12 humour11 inpour8 journo13 kouras10 kouroi10 kouros10 labour8 loured7 loures6 lourie6 mourns8 notour6 odours7 ourali6 ourang7 ourari6 ourebi8 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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