Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with NOLO

nolos5 enology11 monolog10 atenolol8 menology14 monologs11 monology14 oenology12 oinology12 penology14 sinology12 venology15 vinology15 agnolotti10 atenolols9 enologies10 enologist10 ethnology16 hymnology21 hypnology21 ichnology18 iconology15 irenology13 limnology15 monologic14 monologue12 phenology18 phonology18 poenology15 quinolone18 rhinology16 sinologue10 uranology13 urinology13 agnolottis11 chronology19 demonology17 emmenology18 enological13 enologists11 ethnologic16 hymnologic21 hypnologic21 immunology18 limnologic15 menologies13 monologged15 monologies13 monologise13 monologist13 monologize22 monologued14 monologues13 oceanology16 oenologies11 oenologist11 oinologies11 organology15 palynology19 penologies13 penologist13 phaenology19 phonologic18 phrenology19 quinolones19 satanology14 selenology14 sinologies11 sinologist11 sinologues11 technology19 urbanology16 venologies14 vinologies14 vinologist14 arachnology20 biocenology19 campanology21 carcinology19 chronologer17 chronologic19 criminology19 demonologic17 eccrinology19 ethnologies15 ethnologist15 gnomonology18 graminology18 hymnologies20 hymnologist20 hypnologies20 hypnologist20 ichnologies17 iconologies14 iconologist14 immunologic18 irenologies12 lichenology20 limnologies14 limnologist14 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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