Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain NIT

knit8 nite4 nits4 snit4 unit4 binit7 cunit7 innit5 knits9 niter5 nites5 nitid6 niton5 nitre5 nitro5 nitry8 nitty8 snits5 unite5 units5 unity8 binits8 bonita8 bonito8 cunits8 dunite7 finite9 finito9 gunite7 ignite7 kainit10 knitch15 lenite6 lenity9 manito8 manitu8 munite8 nanite6 niters6 nitery9 nither9 nitons6 nitres6 nitric8 nitrid7 nitril6 nitros6 nitrox13 nitryl9 nitwit9 pinite8 pirnit8 reknit10 sanity9 seniti6 sennit6 snitch11 snitty9 tonite6 unital6 united7 uniter6 unites6 unknit10 upknit12 vanity12 venite9 zenith18 aconite9 alunite7 amanita9 amenity12 aminity12 arenite7 axinite14 bainite9 bonitas9 bonitos9 bornite9 crinite9 cyanite12 dignity12 dinitro8 dunites8 dunitic10 dunnite8 ebonite9 erinite7 fenitar10 finites10 gahnite11 genital8 genitor8 granita8 granite8 gunites8 hornito10 ichnite12 ignited9 igniter8 ignites8 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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