Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain NEAR

anear5 nears5 anears6 linear6 nearby11 neared7 nearer6 nearly9 aneared8 inearth10 nearest7 nearing8 nearish10 tonearm9 uneared8 unearth10 anearing9 balneary13 bilinear10 colinear10 inearths11 linearly11 nearlier8 nearness8 nearside9 overnear11 tonearms10 unearned9 unearths11 collinear11 inearthed13 linearise9 linearity12 linearize18 nearliest9 nearshore12 nearsides10 nonlinear9 outlinear9 sublinear11 trilinear9 unearthed13 unearthly15 unilinear9 wellanear12 balnearies12 inearthing14 linearised11 linearises10 linearized20 linearizes19 nearnesses10 nearshored14 nearshores13 nonearning11 unearthing14 colinearity16 collinearly16 curvilinear16 interlinear11 linearising12 linearities11 linearizing21 matrilinear13 multilinear13 nearshoring15 nearsighted16 nearthroses14 nearthrosis14 patrilinear13 rectilinear13 unearmarked18 unearthlier14 nonearnings12 nonlinearly14 collinearity17 interlinears12 noncollinear14 nonlinearity15 unearthliest15 colinearities15 curvilinearly21 interlinearly16 linearisation13 linearization22 nearsightedly21 patrilinearly18 rectilinearly18 unearthliness16 collinearities16 curvilinearity22 linearisations14 linearizations23 nonlinearities14 rectilinearity19 nearsightedness20 unearthlinesses18 curvilinearitie20 curvilinearities21 nearsightednesses22

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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