Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LOW

alow7 blow9 clow9 flow10 glow8 lowe7 lown7 lowp9 lows7 lowt7 plow9 slow7 ablow10 aglow9 allow8 alowe8 below10 blown10 blows10 blowy13 clown10 clows10 flown11 flows11 glows9 lowan8 lowed9 lower8 lowes8 lowly11 lownd9 lowne8 lowns8 lowps10 lowry11 lowse8 lowts8 pilow10 plows10 slows8 allows9 ballow11 barlow11 bellow11 belows11 billow11 blowby16 blowed12 blower11 blowie11 blowse11 blowsy14 blowup13 blowze20 blowzy23 callow11 clowed12 clowns11 fallow12 fellow12 flowed13 flower12 follow12 gallow10 glowed11 glower10 hallow12 hollow12 inflow12 lowans9 lowboy14 lowers9 lowery12 lowest9 lowing10 lowish12 lownds10 lowned10 lownes9 lowped12 lowrie9 lowsed10 lowser9 lowses9 lowsit9 lowted10 mallow11 matlow11 mellow11 onflow12 pillow11 pilows11 plowed12 plower11 reflow12 reglow10 replow11 sallow9 slowed10 slower9 slowly12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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