Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LITE

blite7 elite5 flite8 lited6 liter5 lites5 aplite8 blites8 elites6 flited10 flites9 halite9 illite6 iolite6 liters6 litest6 oolite6 pelite8 polite8 aplites9 egalite8 halites10 haplite12 hoplite12 hyalite13 illites7 iolites7 literal7 marlite9 mellite9 mullite9 oolites7 pelites9 penlite9 perlite9 politer9 spilite9 stylite10 thulite10 tillite7 uralite7 velites10 zeolite16 zoolite16 aerolite8 ammolite12 baculite12 bakelite14 cimolite12 clitella10 cryolite13 datolite9 egalites9 fayalite14 gyrolite12 haplites13 hoplites13 hyalites14 impolite12 kryolite15 lazulite17 liteness8 literacy13 literals8 literary11 literate8 literati8 literato8 literose8 localite10 marlites10 melilite10 mellites10 menilite10 mesolite10 mullites10 myelites13 nonelite8 noselite8 pearlite10 penlites10 perlites10 phyllite16 pisolite10 politely13 politest10 poplitei12 rhyolite14 ruralite8 seablite10 sodalite9 spilites10 stellite8 stylites11 tallites8 thulites11 tillites8 tonalite8 triplite10 troilite8 unpolite10 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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