Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain LAS

alas4 lase4 lash7 lass4 last4 amlas7 anlas5 atlas5 aulas5 balas7 blase7 blash10 blast7 bolas7 clash10 clasp9 class7 clast7 colas7 flash11 flask12 galas6 gilas6 glass6 gulas6 hulas8 hylas11 kolas9 kulas9 lased6 laser5 lases5 lassi5 lasso5 lassu5 lassy8 lasts5 malas7 melas7 molas7 nalas5 ollas5 palas7 pelas7 plash10 plasm9 plast7 pulas7 slash8 solas5 talas5 tolas5 zilas14 vlast8 agilas7 akelas10 alaska10 alulas6 blashy14 blasts8 blasty11 boxlas15 boylas11 calash11 callas8 chelas11 cholas11 clasps10 claspt10 classy11 clasts8 coalas8 cutlas8 dalasi7 doblas9 doulas7 dowlas10 fellas9 flaser9 flashy15 flasks13 glassy10 guslas7 hollas9 inulas6 jhalas16 kiblas12 killas10 koalas10 kwelas13 lascar8 lasers6 lashed10 lasher9 lashes9 lasing7 lasket10 lasque15 lasses6 lassie6 lassis6 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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