Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain JA

jab12 jag11 jai10 jak14 jam12 jap12 jar10 jaw13 jay13 ajar11 jaap13 jabs13 jack17 jade12 jafa14 jaga12 jagg13 jags12 jail11 jake15 jaks15 jamb15 jams13 jane11 jann11 jape13 japs13 jark15 jarl11 jarp13 jars11 jasp13 jass11 jasy14 jato11 jauk15 jaup13 java14 jaws14 jaxy21 jays14 jazy23 jazz29 puja13 raja11 soja11 jank15 jali11 jati11 bajan14 ganja13 hejab17 hijab17 hodja16 jaaps14 jabot14 jacal14 jacks18 jacky21 jaded14 jades13 jafas15 jaffa18 jagas13 jager13 jaggs14 jaggy17 jagir13 jagra13 jails12 jakes16 jakey19 jalap14 jalop14 jambe16 jambo16 jambs16 jambu16 james14 jammy19 jamon14 janes12 janns12 janny15 janty15 japan14 japed15 japer14 japes14 jarks16 jarls12 jarps14 jarta12 jarul12 jasey15 jaspe14 jasps14 jatos12 jauks16 jaunt12 jaups14 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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