Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain IDOL

idola6 idols6 amidol9 eidola7 idolon7 idolum9 amidols10 eidolic10 eidolon8 idolise8 idolism10 idolist8 idolize17 eidolons9 idolater9 idolator9 idolatry12 idolised10 idoliser9 idolises9 idolisms11 idolists9 idolized19 idolizer18 idolizes18 kidology17 idolaters10 idolators10 idolisers10 idolising11 idolizers19 idolizing20 iridology14 idolatress11 idolatries11 idolatrise11 idolatrize20 idolatrous11 idoloclast13 kidologies16 kidologist16 lepidolite13 pareidolia13 ripidolite13 crocidolite16 haloperidol17 idolatrised13 idolatriser12 idolatrises12 idolatrized22 idolatrizer21 idolatrizes21 idolisation12 idolization21 idoloclasts14 iridologies13 iridologist13 kidologists17 lepidolites14 orchidology21 pareidolias14 pteridology18 ripidolites14 suicidology18 crocidolites17 haloperidols18 idolatresses13 idolatrisers13 idolatrising14 idolatrizers22 idolatrizing23 idolatrously16 idolisations13 idolizations22 iridologists14 pyramidology24 orchidologies20 orchidologist20 pteridologies17 pteridologist17 suicidologies17 suicidologist17 idolatrousness15 orchidologists21 pteridological20 pteridologists18 pyramidologies23 pyramidologist23 suicidologists18 pyramidologists24 idolatrousnesse16 idolatrousnesses17

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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