Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ID

aid4 bid6 cid6 did5 fid7 gid5 hid7 ide4 ids4 kid8 lid4 mid6 nid4 rid4 tid4 vid7 yid7 abid7 acid7 aida5 aide5 aids5 amid7 arid5 avid8 bide7 bidi7 bids7 caid7 chid10 cide7 cids7 deid6 dido6 didy9 eide5 fido8 fids8 foid8 gaid6 gids6 glid6 grid6 guid6 heid8 hide8 idea5 idee5 idem7 ides5 idle5 idly8 idol5 idyl8 imid7 irid5 kaid9 kids9 laid5 lido5 lids5 loid5 maid7 midi7 mids7 muid7 nide5 nidi5 nids5 olid5 oxid12 paid7 qaid14 quid14 raid5 ride5 rids5 roid5 said5 sida5 side5 sidh8 skid9 slid5 suid5 tide5 tids5 tidy8 vide8 vids8 void8 waid8 weid8 whid11 wide8 yids8 didi6 fide8 vaid8 ylid8 idli5 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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