Words with Friends Score Calculator




Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.


info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain HERL

herls8 herling11 fatherly17 herlings12 litherly14 motherly16 sherlock17 brotherly17 butcherly19 northerly15 sherlocks18 southerly15 teacherly17 weatherly18 fatherland17 fatherless16 fatherlike20 motherland16 motherless15 sherlocked20 tocherless15 unfatherly19 unmotherly18 motherlike19 motherlode16 preacherly20 washerless16 fatherlier16 motherlier15 brotherlike20 fatherlands18 featherless17 leatherleaf17 leatherlike18 motherlands17 netherlings15 northerlies14 sherlocking21 southerlies14 teacherless16 telpherline16 unbrotherly19 motherlodes17 motherliest16 butcherlier18 fatherliest17 teacherlier16 weatherlier17 brotherlier16 fatherliness18 featherlight22 forefatherly24 motherliness17 stepmotherly22 telpherlines17 leatherleafs18 brotherliest17 teacherliest17 unmotherlier17 butcherliest19 weatherliest18 unfatherlier18 brotherliness18 grandfatherly24 grandmotherly23 leatherleaves19 northerliness16 southerliness16 unbrotherlike22 weatherliness19 unmotherliest18 unfatherliest19 fatherlessness20 fatherlinesses20 motherlessness19 motherlinesses19 stepmotherlier21 brotherlinesses20 northerlinesses18 southerlinesses18 weatherlinesses21 grandfatherlier23 stepmotherliest22 grandmotherlier22 motherlessnesse20 motherlessnesses21

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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