Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ESSE

cesse7 desse6 esses5 fesse8 gesse6 jesse12 cessed9 cesser8 cesses8 desses7 fessed10 fesses9 gessed8 gesses7 ghesse10 jessed14 jesses13 lessee6 lessen6 lesser6 lesses6 messed9 messes8 nesses6 sessed7 sesses6 vessel9 yessed10 yesses9 altesse7 blessed10 blesser9 blesses9 cessers9 chessel12 chesses12 cresses9 cresset9 dessert8 dressed9 dresser8 dresses8 duresse8 essence9 finesse10 ghessed12 ghesses11 guessed9 guesser8 guesses8 idlesse8 ivresse10 knesset11 lessees7 lessens7 loesses7 oyesses10 pressed10 presser9 presses9 rulesse7 tessera7 tressed8 tressel7 tresses7 vessels10 vitesse10 abbesses12 accessed13 accesses12 altesses8 assessed9 assesses8 blessers10 bretesse10 caressed11 caresser10 caresses10 chessels13 citesses10 colessee10 cressets10 desserts9 dressers9 duchesse14 duresses9 egressed10 egresses9 empresse12 essences10 excessed18 excesses17 feblesse13 finessed12 finesser11 finesses11 guessers9 idlesses9 impresse12 ivresses11 kermesse14 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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