Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ERES

beres7 ceres7 deres6 feres8 geres6 heres8 leres5 meres7 peres7 seres5 teres5 breres8 deeres7 dreres7 ferest9 fieres9 freres9 haeres9 heresy12 merest8 serest6 steres6 theres9 wheres12 yferes12 adheres11 amperes11 ceresin9 coheres12 efferes13 galeres8 inheres10 miseres9 peeress9 pheeres12 quaeres16 reveres10 scleres9 seeress7 spheres12 tereses7 tuyeres10 twyeres13 whereso13 berberes12 bergeres11 carieres10 cateress10 ceresine10 ceresins10 chimeres15 commeres14 comperes14 diereses9 dieresis9 eagerest9 epimeres12 etageres9 gougeres10 gruyeres12 halteres11 heresies11 houheres14 inqueres17 interess8 interest8 isomeres10 meresman12 meresmen12 myomeres15 nowheres14 phereses13 pheresis13 priseres10 queerest17 requeres17 rivieres11 rosieres8 severest11 sheerest11 soberest10 sphaeres13 subseres10 tabreres10 umbreres12 uromeres10 usheress11 utterest8 hyperest16 abamperes15 antimeres11 anywheres18 aphereses14 apheresis14 archeress14 austerest9 bayaderes15 bitterest11 cashmeres16 casimeres13 ceresines11 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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