Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ENDS

bends8 fends9 hends9 lends6 mends8 pends8 rends6 sends6 tends6 vends9 wends9 amends9 blends9 emends9 fiends10 piends9 scends9 shends10 spends9 stends7 teends7 trends7 upends9 accends12 addends10 appends12 ascends10 attends8 augends9 calends10 defends12 depends11 endship13 expends17 extends15 friends11 impends12 intends8 kalends12 lagends9 legends9 obtends10 offends14 relends8 remends10 resends8 unbends10 upsends10 yshends14 bartends11 bookends15 commends15 compends15 contends11 descends12 dispends12 distends10 endships14 faciends14 forfends15 forlends12 godsends11 headends13 minuends11 missends11 mistends11 miswends14 parpends13 perpends13 portends11 prebends13 prehends14 pretends11 propends13 protends11 provends14 reamends11 reblends11 stipends11 subtends11 suspends11 uptrends11 weekends16 yearends12 adherends14 backbends20 befriends15 coattends12 coextends19 defriends14 dividends15 forefends16 forelends13 forspends15 misspends14 outspends12 overlends13 reascends12 reoffends16 repetends12 resplends12 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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