Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain DOLE

doled7 doles6 dolent7 indole7 condole10 doleful11 dolente8 indoles8 condoled12 condoler11 condoles11 dolerite9 dolesome11 indolent9 redolent9 bandoleer12 bandoleon12 bandolero12 condolent12 condolers12 dolefully16 dolerites10 doleritic12 farandole13 girandole11 indolence12 indolency15 iprindole12 redolence12 redolency15 adolescent13 bandoleers13 bandoleons13 bandoleros13 condolence15 dolefuller14 dolesomely16 farandoles14 girandoles12 indolences13 indolently14 iprindoles13 redolences13 redolently14 rondoletto11 adolescence16 adolescents14 bandoleered15 condolement16 condolences16 dolefullest15 dolefulness15 indolencies14 redolencies14 rondolettos12 adolescences17 adolescently18 condolements17 indoleacetic17 dolefulnesses17 indolebutyric21 preadolescent18 subadolescent18 postadolescent19 preadolescence21 preadolescents19 subadolescents19 postadolescents20 preadolescences22 postadolescence22

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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