Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain DITA

dital6 ditas6 ditals7 gordita9 inedita8 editable11 gorditas10 meditate11 auditable12 meditated13 meditates12 meditator12 additament14 creditable15 creditably18 expeditate20 hereditary17 meditating14 meditation13 meditative16 meditators13 additaments15 expeditated22 expeditates21 hereditable17 hereditably20 meditations14 premeditate16 unmeditated15 venditation15 accreditable19 expeditating23 expeditation22 extraditable22 hereditament18 hereditarian16 hereditarily19 meditatively21 premeditated18 premeditates17 premeditator17 quidditative26 uncreditable17 venditations16 auditability18 accreditation18 creditability21 discreditable19 discreditably22 expeditations23 hereditaments19 hereditarians17 nonhereditary20 premeditating19 premeditation18 premeditative21 premeditators18 accreditations19 creditableness19 hereditability23 hereditariness18 meditativeness20 premeditatedly23 premeditations19 unpremeditable21 unpremeditated20 auditabilities17 creditabilities20 hereditarianism21 hereditarianist19 reaccreditation20 unpremeditation20 creditablenesse20 meditativenesse21 meditativenesses22 creditablenesses21 reaccreditations21

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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