Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain DER

dere5 derm7 dern5 dero5 derv8 adder7 aider6 alder6 bider8 ceder8 cider8 coder8 cyder11 derat6 deray9 derby11 dered7 deres6 derig7 derma8 derms8 derns6 deros6 derro6 derry9 derth9 dervs9 eider6 elder6 ender6 fader9 heder9 hider9 lader6 moder8 nuder6 odder7 older6 order6 rider6 ruder6 seder6 sider6 udder7 under6 wader9 wider9 derny9 abider9 acider9 adders8 aiders7 aldern7 alders7 arider7 aulder7 avider10 badder10 balder9 bander9 beader9 bedder10 bender9 bidder10 biders9 binder9 birder9 blader9 bolder9 bonder9 border9 budder10 carder9 ceders9 cheder12 chider12 ciders9 cidery12 cinder9 codder10 coders9 colder9 conder9 corder9 cruder9 cyders12 dander8 deader8 deeder8 deider8 derail7 derate7 derats7 derays10 derham12 deride8 derigs8 dering8 derive10 dermal9 dermas9 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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