Derat is valid Scrabble Word

Is derat a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is derat valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DERAT in dictionary:

Words related to DERAT

derats7 deratted10 deratting11

Words that contain DERAT

derate7 derats7 derated9 derates8 derating10 deration9 deratted10 federate12 moderate11 moderato11 siderate9 underate9 deratings11 derations10 deratting11 federated14 federates13 federator13 foederati13 hederated14 moderated13 moderates12 moderator12 moderatos12 ponderate12 siderated11 siderates10 derationed12 desiderata12 desiderate12 federating15 federation14 federative17 federators14 foederatus14 immoderate15 moderately16 moderating14 moderation13 moderatism15 moderators13 moderatrix20 ponderated14 ponderates13 siderating12 sideration11 confederate17 considerate14 derationing13 desiderated14 desiderates13 desideratum15 federations15 moderations14 moderatisms16 ponderating15 ponderation14 siderations12 unmoderated15 confederated19 confederates18 desiderating15 desideration14 desiderative17 federatively22 immoderately20 immoderation17 moderateness15 moderatrices17 moderatrixes22 nonfederated17 ponderations15 preponderate17 confederating20 confederation19 confederative22 considerately19 consideration16 considerative19 desiderations15 desideratives18 equiponderate25 immoderations18 inconsiderate16 moderatorship21 preponderated19 preponderates18 stadholderate18 confederations20 considerations17 equiponderated27 equiponderates26 immoderateness19 moderatenesses17 moderatorships22 preponderately22 preponderating20 preponderation19 stadholderates19 stadtholderate19 unconfederated21 Show more ...
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