Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain DANCE

danced10 dancer9 dances9 dancey12 aidance10 dancers10 abidance13 aidances11 dancette11 dancetty14 guidance12 nondance11 outdance11 riddance12 tendance11 voidance14 abidances14 abondance14 abundance14 avoidance15 clogdance15 danceable14 dancehall15 dancettee12 dancettes12 guidances13 impedance16 nondancer12 nondances12 outdanced13 outdances12 riddances13 slamdance14 tendances12 voidances15 dancewear15 dancecore14 dancelike16 abondances15 abundances15 accordance17 ascendance15 attendance13 avoidances16 breakdance19 clogdances16 dancehalls16 dependance16 impedances17 intendance13 nondancers13 redundance14 ropedancer15 slamdanced16 slamdances15 stepdancer15 exceedance22 dancemaker19 dancesport15 dancewears16 retardance13 dancecores15 accordances18 ascendances16 attendances14 breakdanced21 breakdancer20 breakdances20 concordance18 contradance16 contredance16 dependances17 discordance17 forbiddance20 intendances14 misguidance17 redundances15 ropedancers16 stepdancers16 undanceable16 exceedances23 dancemakers20 dancesports16 retardances14 breakdancers21 concordances19 contradances17 contredances17 discordances18 forbiddances21 misguidances18 nonattendance16 outrecuidance18 overabundance21 nonattendances17 outrecuidances19 overabundances22 superabundance21 superabundances22

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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