Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain COURT

courts8 accourt11 courted10 courter9 courtly12 upcourt11 accourts12 courters10 courtesy13 courtier10 courting11 courtlet10 lawcourt13 accourted14 backcourt19 courteous11 courtesan11 courtezan20 courtiers11 courtings12 courtlets11 courtlier11 courtlike15 courtling12 courtroom13 courtship16 courtside12 courtyard15 downcourt15 forecourt14 hardcourt15 lawcourts14 uncourtly14 accourting15 backcourts20 courtcraft17 courtesans12 courtesied13 courtesies12 courtezans21 courthouse15 courtierly15 courtliest12 courtlings13 courtrooms14 courtships17 courtsides13 courtyards16 crosscourt14 forecourts15 frontcourt15 courtcrafts18 courteously16 courtesying17 courthouses16 courtierism15 courtliness13 discourtesy17 frontcourts16 uncourteous13 uncourtlier13 backcourtman24 backcourtmen24 courtierisms16 courtierlike18 discourteise15 discourteous15 uncourtliest14 courteousness15 courtlinesses15 discourtesies16 uncourtliness15 discourteously20 courteousnesses17 uncourtlinesses17 courtmartialled20 discourteousnes18 discourteousness19 discourteousnesses21

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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