Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CONF

confs10 confab13 confer11 confit11 confix18 confabs14 confect14 confers12 confess12 confest12 confide13 confine12 confirm14 confits12 conflux19 conform14 confuse12 confute12 confects15 conferee13 conferva16 confetti13 confetto13 confided15 confider14 confides14 confined14 confiner13 confines13 confirms15 confixed21 confixes20 conflate13 conflict15 confocal15 conforms15 confound14 confrere13 confront13 confused14 confuses13 confuted14 confuter13 confutes13 reconfer13 confabbed19 confected17 conferees14 conferral14 conferred15 conferree14 conferrer14 confervae17 conferval17 confervas17 confessed15 confesses14 confessor14 confestly17 confidant15 confident15 confiders15 confiding16 configure15 confiners14 confining15 confirmed17 confirmee16 confirmer16 confirmor16 confiseur14 confiteor14 confiture14 confixing22 conflated15 conflates14 conflicts16 confluent14 confluxes21 conformal16 conformed17 conformer16 confounds15 confreres14 confrerie14 confronte14 confronts14 confusing15 confusion14 confuters14 confuting15 reconfers14 reconfine14 reconfirm16 unconfine14 unconform16 unconfuse14 confabbing20 confabular17 confecting18 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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