Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain CHER

chere10 chert10 ocher10 archer11 cherry14 cherts11 cherty14 cherub13 cherup13 etcher11 gacher12 incher11 lecher11 macher13 micher13 nicher11 ochers11 ochery14 richer11 tocher11 alchera12 archers12 archery15 batcher14 belcher14 bencher14 blucher14 botcher14 buncher14 butcher14 catcher14 cherish15 cheroot12 cherubs14 cherups14 chervil15 coacher14 coucher14 ditcher13 etchers12 fetcher15 filcher15 gachers13 gatcher13 gaucher13 gutcher13 hatcher15 hitcher15 inchers12 kacheri16 leacher12 lechers12 lechery15 loucher12 luncher12 lurcher12 lyncher15 machers14 marcher14 matcher14 michers14 moocher14 moucher14 muncher14 nichers12 notcher12 ochered13 patcher14 peacher14 percher14 pilcher14 pincher14 pitcher14 poacher14 potcher14 puncher14 putcher14 rancher12 reacher12 scherzi21 scherzo21 teacher12 teucher12 tochers12 torcher12 toucher12 voucher15 watcher15 welcher15 wencher15 wincher15 wotcher15 hencher15 alcheras13 attacher13 avoucher16 batchers15 belchers15 benchers15 bitchery18 blancher15 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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