Toucher is valid Scrabble Word

Is toucher a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is toucher valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TOUCHER in dictionary:

Words related to TOUCHER

touch10 touchers13

Words that contain TOUCHER

touchers13 retoucher14 retouchers15

Similar words containing TOUCH without suffix er

touch10 touche11 touchy14 retouch12 touched13 touches12 touchup14 cartouch15 mistouch15 touchers13 touchier13 touchily16 touching14 touchpad16 touchups15 cartouche16 retouched15 retoucher14 retouches14 touchable16 touchback22 touchdown18 touchhole17 touchiest14 touchings15 touchless14 touchline14 touchmark20 touchpads17 touchtone14 touchwood18 untouched15 touchably19 cartouches17 mistouched18 mistouches17 retouchers15 retouching16 touchbacks23 touchdowns19 touchholes18 touchiness15 touchingly19 touchlines15 touchmarks21 touchpaper19 touchstone15 touchtones15 touchwoods19 aftertouch18 mistouching19 retouchable18 touchpapers20 touchstones16 unretouched17 untouchable18 retouchings17 touchscreen18 touchinesses17 touchingness18 untouchables19 aftertouches20 touchscreens19 touchableness20 touchingnesses20 untouchability24 touchablenesses22 untouchabilitie22 untouchabilities23
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