Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words with ARS

arse4 arsy7 bars6 cars6 ears4 fars7 gars5 jars11 lars4 mars6 oars4 pars6 sars4 tars4 vars7 wars7 afars8 agars6 arars5 arsed6 arses5 arsey8 arsis5 arson5 bears7 boars7 carse7 chars10 czars16 dears6 duars6 earst5 farse8 fears8 fiars8 gears6 gnars6 guars6 haars8 harsh11 hears8 hoars8 izars14 karst9 karsy12 kbars11 knars9 ksars9 kyars12 lears5 liars5 maars7 marse7 marsh10 nears5 parse7 pears7 rears5 roars5 scars7 sears5 snars5 soars5 spars7 stars5 tarsi5 tears5 thars8 tiars5 tsars5 tzars14 voars8 warst8 wears8 yaars8 years8 abears8 achars11 afears9 altars6 alvars9 anears6 antars6 arears6 arseno6 arshin9 arsier6 arsine6 arsing7 arsino6 arsons6 attars6 bazars17 begars9 belars8 blears8 boyars11 briars8 carses8 carsey11 Show full list ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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