Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain ARDS

bards8 cards8 eards6 fards9 hards9 lards6 nards6 pards8 sards6 wards9 yards9 awards10 beards9 boards9 chards12 guards8 heards10 hoards10 izards16 liards7 shards10 swards10 yeards10 adwards12 batards10 bayards13 boyards13 briards10 cafards13 canards10 cowards13 dotards9 echards13 enlards8 hardset11 hazards20 holards11 innards8 inwards11 izzards26 lizards17 mazards19 nasards8 onwards11 petards10 regards9 retards8 rewards11 ritards8 rizards17 sweards11 tabards10 towards11 upwards13 uswards11 vawards14 visards11 vizards20 wisards11 wizards20 airwards12 bardship16 bastards11 bedwards15 beeyards14 beghards15 belgards12 boggards13 bollards11 bombards15 brocards13 bustards11 buzzards29 collards11 costards11 custards11 dastards10 debeards12 diehards13 discards12 dizzards28 doddards12 dullards10 enguards10 forwards15 foulards12 frowards15 gabbards14 gizzards28 godwards14 goliards10 guisards10 gurnards10 haggards14 halyards15 hardship17 haywards18 hogwards16 inboards11 innyards12 jeopards18 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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