Words with Friends Score Calculator



Bingo: + 35 points for 7 letters.

info: If you need to count the word with blanks, just do not enter them. Also, the order of letters does not affect the result.

Words that contain AIR

airn4 airs4 airt4 airy7 fair7 gair5 hair7 lair4 mair6 pair6 sair4 vair7 wair7 aired6 airer5 airns5 airth8 airts5 bairn7 caird8 cairn7 chair10 dairy9 deair6 fairs8 fairy11 flair8 gairs6 glair6 hairs8 hairy11 laird6 lairs5 lairy8 maire7 mairs7 naira5 nairu5 paire7 pairs7 quair14 raird6 sairs5 stair5 taira5 vaire8 vairs8 vairy11 wairs8 yaird9 zaire14 faire8 affair12 airbag9 airbus8 aircon8 airers6 airest6 airgap9 airgun7 airier6 airily9 airing7 airman8 airmen8 airned7 airted7 airths9 airvac11 airway12 appair10 bairns8 braird9 cairds9 cairns8 cairny11 chairs11 deairs7 dehair10 donair7 eclair8 faired10 fairer9 fairly12 flairs9 glaire7 glairs7 glairy10 hairdo10 haired10 hairif12 hairst9 impair10 lairds7 laired7 maires8 midair9 mohair11 nairas6 nairus6 paired9 Show more ...

Letter Values

The number at each letter is indicated the points of the letter.
The score of blanks is zero.
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